Depression and anxiety are more than just moods, for some they are very serious, even debilitating conditions. Many people take prescription drugs to battle depression or anxiety, while others struggle to find any relief at all.
I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder in 2008. I was not prescribed medication, but received therapy to learn coping strategies. I was told this was not uncommon in people like me with chronic disease. So I thought it was just something I had to learn to deal with, and I did... until a month or so after going off gluten in 2011. At first I just recall the relief I felt no longer waking in a panicked state in the middle of the night. After several months I could honestly say the anxiety was gone.
As I began to do more research about the effects of gluten, I found that this was not an isolated coincidence. There is a significant link between depression and anxiety and gluten intolerance / celiac disease. This was profound information to me that I wanted to share with everyone I knew who was struggling with these issues. Please don't just take my word for it or simply brush this off as nonsense or only ask your doctor and then ignore it if they say they don't know of any such link. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! You owe it to yourself or those you love who are struggling and could maybe just possibly be better off gluten.
Like everything I share on this topic, it is worth it if I can encourage or inspire even one person to find a better quality of life. I appreciate the feedback I have privately received from so many of you regarding the changes you have personally experienced off gluten. Life is too short to suffer unnecessarily.
Disclaimer: I am not and do not claim to be a medical professional or expert. I do not intend for the information that I share to take the place of medical advice. If you have a medical condition you should seek the advice and care of a medical professional. Educate yourself and ask questions to find out if they recommend testing BEFORE you remove gluten from your diet.
I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder in 2008. I was not prescribed medication, but received therapy to learn coping strategies. I was told this was not uncommon in people like me with chronic disease. So I thought it was just something I had to learn to deal with, and I did... until a month or so after going off gluten in 2011. At first I just recall the relief I felt no longer waking in a panicked state in the middle of the night. After several months I could honestly say the anxiety was gone.
As I began to do more research about the effects of gluten, I found that this was not an isolated coincidence. There is a significant link between depression and anxiety and gluten intolerance / celiac disease. This was profound information to me that I wanted to share with everyone I knew who was struggling with these issues. Please don't just take my word for it or simply brush this off as nonsense or only ask your doctor and then ignore it if they say they don't know of any such link. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! You owe it to yourself or those you love who are struggling and could maybe just possibly be better off gluten.
Like everything I share on this topic, it is worth it if I can encourage or inspire even one person to find a better quality of life. I appreciate the feedback I have privately received from so many of you regarding the changes you have personally experienced off gluten. Life is too short to suffer unnecessarily.
Disclaimer: I am not and do not claim to be a medical professional or expert. I do not intend for the information that I share to take the place of medical advice. If you have a medical condition you should seek the advice and care of a medical professional. Educate yourself and ask questions to find out if they recommend testing BEFORE you remove gluten from your diet.