This is not a connection that I conjured up based simply on my own experience. There is a lot of information out there on this topic and many many accounts of people who have found relief from chronic sinusitis. The thought is that an overactive immune response caused by negative reaction to gluten can increase sinus issues. Both gluten intolerance and milk allergy are linked to chronic sinus symptoms.
Interestingly, as a gluten free person, one of the reactions I get from accidentally ingesting gluten is sinus pressure, pain, and increased mucous production. It can be almost immediate after being glutened. A good reminder for me of what I am missing by being gluten free.
Again, I am not looking to diagnose anyone but rather create awareness for those who feel they may have exhausted all options for relief and just have to live with chronic sinus issues. Maybe you could be better off gluten.
Have you found a reduction in your sinus symptoms being off gluten? Share your experience in the comments below. Got questions for me? Leave them in the comments below or message me to start a conversation.
Disclaimer: I am not and do not claim to be a medical professional or expert. I do not intend for the information that I share to take the place of medical advice. If you have a medical condition you should seek the advice and care of a medical professional. Educate yourself and ask questions to find out if they recommend testing BEFORE you remove gluten from your diet.